5 Tips for Hosting an Engaging Lunch and Learn

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Lunchtime holds a special place in our work routines—time to take a break, connect with colleagues, and enjoy a good meal. Attaching a meeting to lunch may seem daunting, but with the right approach, lunch and learn events can be a recipe for success. These informal sessions combine education and entertainment, featuring a topic, a speaker, and a presentation. Whether you call them lunch and learns or brown bag events, these tips will help you host engaging sessions that meet your organization's objectives while keeping your audience captivated.


Define Clear Goals

Lunch and learn programs thrive when you establish clear goals and Lunch Performance Indicators (LPIs). Determine the key areas of focus, such as attendee turnout, engagement, post-event follow-up, satisfaction levels, or speaker development. Designate a single person or a rotating group of stakeholders to ensure well-planned and organized discussions.


Time it Right

Timing is essential when scheduling lunchtime events. Most professionals allocate around 30 minutes to 1 hour for lunch and prefer not to extend beyond that. Implement guidelines and fail-safes to keep the sessions on track. Set non-negotiable start and end times. Just as TED Talks adhere to an 18-minute rule, aim to keep your lunch and learns concise, allowing ample time for Q&A.


Don't Neglect the Star of the Show—Lunch!

If you want to enhance attendance and make a lasting impression, don't overlook the importance of providing appetizing meals. Serving uninspiring lunches can quickly dampen enthusiasm. It's worth investing in high-quality, catered meals. Move away from the mundane deli sandwiches or pizza and explore options like individually-packaged meal boxes or enticing build-your-own buffet setups. Mangia offers excellent resources for finding top-notch lunches that will leave your audience satisfied.


Respect the Schedule

To ensure lunch and learn events don't feel burdensome or become just another meeting, be mindful of the timing. Plan sessions when there are minimal competing meetings or obligations. Seek feedback from potential attendees and employees to identify suitable dates and times. Maintaining a consistent schedule will help create a sense of reliability and minimize conflicts.


Embrace Hybrid Options

Incorporating a hybrid approach into your event planning is becoming increasingly important, including for lunch and learn sessions. Leverage video conferencing technology and consider recording the event. This not only enhances accessibility but also allows for the inclusion of transcripts and subtitles. The hybrid format enables broader participation and accommodates varying schedules and preferences.


By following these tips, you can host lunch and learn events that are engaging, well-organized, and cater to the needs of your audience, creating valuable learning opportunities during the lunch break.

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